About UFPE About UFPE

Our Institution

The Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) is one of the best universities in the country, regarding teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate) and research. In the international context, the institution is among the thousand best in the world and the 14th best in the country, according to THE World University Rankings.

UFPE also stands out in national assessments that take into account the students’ performance rates at the National Exam of Student Performance (Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes - Enade), the institution’s structure and the investment in professors and courses. That data is now gathered in the General Course Rate (Índice Geral de Cursos - IGC). It also takes into consideration the postgraduate professors’ academic degree and scientific production – evaluated by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES), which is part of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação - MEC). 

Today UFPE is composed of three campi, located in Recife, Vitória de Santo Antão e Caruaru and offers courses in almost all areas of knowledge.

 (Click here to access UFPE's International Catalog)


Chancellor’s Office

Chancellor: Prof. Dr. Alfredo Macedo Gomes

Vice-Chancellor: Prof. Dr. Moacyr Cunha de Araújo Filho

Contact info: secretaria.reitor@ufpe.br | +55 81 2126 8018


Our Mission

As a public institution, UFEP’s mission is to promote the qualification of people and to build knowledge and scientific and technical competencies globally referenced, following solid ethical, socio-environmental and cultural principles.

The contemporary university cannot fail to meet its duties, to anticipate and answer requests from the global society – which are always changing, amplifying, renovating themselves and demanding new institutional competencies – that need to be developed as a long-term institutional project.

However, it cannot abandon the demands regarding moral responsibility, care for the environment and respect to cultural diversity as cornerstones of a social coexistence more equitable, responsible and just.


Our Vision

To be a global university committed to transforming and developing humanity.

The notion of Humanity used here does not reference the numerical group of women and men (demography), but a group of values that we understand as valid, necessary and worthy of being pursued. Some of those values are otherness, justice, human dignity, people’s rights, freedom and cultural differences. A university committed to this vision is necessarily of a “global class”, which means two things at the same time: located among the best in the world and prepared to put the “world” (as a world of human significances, as the meanings humans attribute to their experiences) as the center of its concerns.


Our Key Values

As a prominent institution, UFPE grounds itself in the following values:

  • Citizenship – to ensure freedom, rights and individual and community duties;
  • Cooperation – to interact for the common good: local, regional, national and internationally;
  • Creativity – to innovate (theoretically and as well as actively) the interdisciplinary construction of relevant knowledge for a socio-environmental transformation.
  • Sustainability – to produce ethically responsible knowledge, aware of the fact that economic and social development is perfectly compatible with preserving the environment;
  • Dignity – to treat and respond to each person and community with respect;
  • Diversity – to respect the distinctive characteristics of people and communities in their ways of existing and acting;
  • Equity – to promote the fair share of fundamental conditions for human development;
  • Ethics – to systematically evaluate the purposes and the social and human consequences of the knowledge produced by the institution, in the light of its ideals: respect, integrity and dignity of all people;
  • Integrity – to promote honesty and ethics in interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the campus.


Our Infrastructure

UFPE gathers over 40 thousand people (considering professors, administrative staff and undergraduate and postgraduate students) distributed in three campi: Recife, Caruaru and Vitória de Santo Antão.

In the Recife Campus there are over 40 buildings, among them the Chancellor’s Office Building, 9 Academic Centers, 8 Supplementary Bodies, 1 Convention Center, 1 Acoustic Shell, 1 University Club, Daycare, Female and Male Student Houses and the Canteen.

There are also buildings in Recife constructed outside the campus, such as the Center of Juridical Sciences (Law School), theUniversity’s Television and Radio Stations, the Benfica Cultural Center and the Medicine Memorial (museum buildings) and the Continuing Education Unit. In the countryside, there are the Academic Center of Agreste, in Caruaru, and the Academic Center of Vitória de Santo Antão, located in the Zona da Mata region.


UFPE in numbers

03 campi - Recife, Caruaru y Vitória de Santo Antão;

13 Centros Académicos – 11 en Recife, uno en Caruaru y otro en Vitória;

104 cursos de pregrado: 86 cursos de pregrado en el Campus Recife, 12 en Caruaru y 06 en Vitória de Santo Antão;

05 cursos de pregrado en línea;

152 posgrados, de los cuales 74 son Maestrías Académicas, 18 Maestrías Profesionales, 54 Doctorados Académicos y 3 Doctorados Profesionales. En total, existen 97 programas de posgrado;

22 cursos de especialización presenciales y 04 cursos de especialización em línea, con 20 unidades centrales de apoyo;

597 grupos de investigación en la Universidad;

362 proyectos de extensión comunitaria;

28.989 estudiantes matriculados en carreras de pregrado (datos del semestre 2020.1). 23.027 del Campus de Recife; 3.919 del Campus de Agreste y 1.594 del Campus de Vitória. Los otros (449) están vinculados a cursos en línea.

8.777 estudiantes de posgrado (4.181 de maestría académica, 596 de maestría profesional, 3.975 de doctorado académico y 25 de doctorado profesional) (datos de 2020);

3.117 artículos publicados en revistas y 2.562 trabajos publicados en anales de eventos.

6.474 tesis de maestría y 3.018 tesis doctorales defendidas de 2016 a 2020.

55 patentes presentadas a nombre de la UFPE y 8 patentes concedidas (datos de 2020);

408 estudiantes del Colégio de Aplicação (escuelas primarias y secundarias) (datos de 2020).

8.355 estudiantes beneficiados por el programa de asistencia estudiantil (datos 2020);

2.494 profesores de Educación Superior. 89,7% con doctorado y 8,6% con maestría (datos de 2020). También hay 237 docentes suplentes;

55 profesores del Colégio de Aplicação (nivel Primario y Secundario), de los cuales el 89,1% son doctores y 9,1% másteres (datos de 2020); 

3.855 personal administrativo (1.166 en el "Hospital das Clínicas", el hospital de nuestra universidad) - datos de 2020.



Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Av. Prof. Moraes Rego, 1235 - Cidade Universitária, Recife - PE

Zip Code: 50670-901

E-mail: secci@ufpe.br (International Office)