
Pós-Graduação em Física apresenta webinar com físico mexicano nesta sexta (22)

O evento será feito via Google Meet e será aberto ao público

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física da UFPE realiza nesta sexta-feira (22), às 16h, o colóquio “In pursue of the true physics behind Bessel and other structured beams”, com o professor Sabino Chávez Cerda, do Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE), do México. O evento será feito via Google Meet e será aberto ao público. A organização pede apenas para que estejam com seus microfones desligados e que entrem de preferência logados com os seus e-mails institucionais da UFPE (@ufpe.br). 


Thirty-four years ago, solutions of the wave equation were presented that had apparent characteristics that were against physical and mathematical laws. Interestingly enough, they were demonstrated experimentally showing the first controversial feature of nondiffracting propagation. These apparent features did not only violated laws in Optics but also the uncertainty principle of Quantum Mechanics. Years passed and they became a hot topic of investigation finding a variety of more controversial features. In this talk it will be shown that the reason for those disputed features is due to the fact that they are not really beams, like the familiar Gaussian beams, and not a single fundamental law is violated. Finally, I will present the influence of UFPE on the onset of this journey.

Data da última modificação: 21/01/2021, 15:13