
Departamento de Física promove seminário de óptica na próxima terça-feira (22)

O evento acontecerá no auditório do Departamento, às 14h

O Departamento de Física (DF) da UFPE realizará o “Seminário de Óptica” na próxima terça-feira (22). O evento, de título “Photoacoustic tomography: principles, development of a measurement system and its application in dentistry”, acontecerá no auditório do DF, às 4h, e será apresentado pela mestranda do Departamento de Física, Érica Muniz.


Photoacoustic (PA) effect consists of the generation of ultrasound waves by a material that has been excited by incident photons. The acoustic waves generated by the sample reveals information about its optical absorption, from which one can development of a non-invasive technique of generating images called Photoacoustic Tomography (PAT). In this study, a new automated PAT system has been developed which is capable of move the sample and saving real-time PA signal directly to the computer for a three-dimensional (3D) scanning of the sample. This preliminary study investigated the applicability of PAT in the diagnosis of dental caries.

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Departamento de Física
(81) 2126.8450

Data da última modificação: 18/10/2019, 15:15